Ghost Dive Project for Third Looks

The photos found on the Ghost Dive Project  take advantage of un-natural light to re-cast everyday locations such parking lots or strip malls as places worth exploring. The images quickly bring to mind the types of atmospheric shots seen in horror or crime films. Ghost Dive sent me some exclusive images that go beyond just the environments themselves and add a human element. Inspired by the classic Akira manga by  Katuhiro Otomo, these images bridge the gap between reality and the fictional world of Neo-Tokyo.

If you like these images be sure to check out Ghost Dives website and Instagram.

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Interview – Sigrun Guggenberger from C-Heads Magazine

With contributors from around the world and a huge imprint on social media, you may have seen some of the gorgeous images that have come out of C-Heads Magazine. C-Heads is an Austrian platform for visual artists started by two sisters, Christine and Sigrun Guggenberger. The duo create print issues of C-Heads Magazine, an independent publication that focuses on youth culture, music, art fashion and portraits of beautiful women.

I spoke with Sigrun Guggenberger about the origins of the magazine, some of the challenges of working with an international host of collaborators and what’s next for the C-Heads. Click through for the interview and a selection of Sigrun’s favorite images from the publication to date.

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Interview/Feature with Photographer Jason Peterson

Jason Peterson is a a proper multi-hyphenated creative. He is the current COO (chief creative officer at award winning advertising agency Havas Worldwide) and a renowned photographer in his own right. He recently held a photo exhibition of his helicopter photography at Soho House Chicago and built up a huge instagram audience of over 600,000 followers. His speciality when it comes to photos is beautiful black and white aerial shots.  I picked Jason’s brain on his visual style and some of his inspirations behind his work as well as having him share some of his favorite images.

Click through for the feature.

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Bumming Around Vol 17 ‘Reflection’ by Shona Sanzgiri

I like honest photography, the type that you look at and either immediately reject or appreciate (sometimes for reasons unknown). As part of the latest Third Looks photo feature,  I’ll be sharing the work of of California based photographer Shona Sanzgiri. He’s taken photos for the likes of Adult Magazine and Vice and has a great eye for natural beauty whether found in travels or everyday moments. Check out an interview and selection of his work after the jump.

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Bumming Around Vol. 16 ‘Mirage by Jayne Lies

I’m excited to bring back Bumming Around with this photo feature with work by my friend Jayne Lies. She’s a New York photographer and visual artist. Jayne submitted this selection of 35mm film shots that capture a slice of everyday New York life through her eyes. The style of the photos is candid and voyeuristic and the subject matter revolves around the sighs and people that you might miss walking New York streets.  There’s footage here from the recent Eric Garner protests as well as portraits displaying the character and struggle of  OG New Yorkers.

Be sure to check out Jayne’s website HERE and also you can follow her on instagram. See the entire series ‘Mirage’ feature after the jump.

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Bumming Around Vol.15 ‘24/7 NYC’ by Steve Irby

New York has been a constant source of adventure, mystery and discovery for me and these photos reflect the random diversity everyday life here. I admire Steve’s hustle to get out there so regularly and shoot street photography such as these.  The series of images he submitted were all shot on film over the past year.

I’ve seen his skills develop over the past year and it’s good to see that he’s garnered quite the audience on instagram. Follow him there for a steady stream of compelling photos accompanied by some of the funniest commentary on the platform.

You can check out Steve’s Tumblr and click through for more images.

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Bumming Around Vol.12 ‘Eastern Sierras’ Jeff Masamori

I discovered Jeff Masamori’s photos online and hit him up to contribute to Third Looks. I was very impressed by the stunning desert shots ended up submitting.

These were shot in the Alabama Hills of California. The medium format images were taken with a Hasselblad 500 C/M using Ektar 100 and the digital on a Canon 7D. – Jeff

You can see more of Jeff’s work through his website and blog , more photos after the jump

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