The best part about the process of posting these style profiles is getting insight into someones style and getting to know them better as a person through that . I’ve known Lucas for some time now as a friend and it was cool to interview him for the site and hear more about how his style developed.
I hear a lot of my taller friends complain that it’s hard for them to find clothes that fit. At 6’7″ Lucas definitely stands out in a crowd but I admire how he was able to mix pieces from a variety of brands to create a personal aesthetic that represents his personality and interests well. I sat down with the homie to discuss where his style has been and where its going.
When did your interest in clothes start? What kind of stuff were you wearing back then?
I have always had an appreciation for clothes, but the turning point for me was the first time I went to the old Recon store on Eldritch Street. I was finally making enough Ā money to get some decent clothes. I stumbled across the store when the first Stash AF1 was releasing, and I was blown away by the product. The store manager was kind enough to educate me about the brand and the NY streetwear scene in general. This lead to finding out about Retail Mafia brands that were prevalent in the scene at the time. In particular I wore SSUR, Supreme and Alife tees and hoodies, Evisu jeans, Northface jackets, and Nikes.
Read the rest of the feature after the jump
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