While the site usually focuses on clothing, shoes and accessories today we’re looking at some affordable home goods that can help decorate your space. First up is this excellent Braun LED digital alarm clock. The minimal folded design and easy to read display make’s this a great looking practical option. It’s available at East Dane for $90.
More home ideas after the jump.
For the sound side of things, I can recommend this Marshall Stockwell Bluetooth Speaker. It’s stylized like a classic Marshall amp but the addition of bluetooth makes it’s easily portable without losing out on high fidelity audio.
From the more personal audio side of things these Bang & Olufsen Play H6 headphones have an inline microphone and toggle remote. The natural leather trim give these a unique appearance over the usual pair.
Scented candles always help liven up a space and I’m suggestion two options here that are quite affordable. At $50 each you can get this A.P.C Toumbac Scented Candle or this Baxter of California Sweet Ash candle.
Lastly we have this set of 2 Hi-Ball glass set by Tom Dixon. Great for entertaining, these are detailed with copper at the bottom of each glass.