If you like to Internet , you may have heard of Le Memé. The blog offers up daily slices of lulz that I could try and explain but I’ll save you the verb-age and just share this gif I pulled right off the site.
If this gif made you smirk at the desk-job that you hate , then you may just be interested in buying a piece of internet relevancy. Bitcoins aside, relevancy is the true currency of the internet. The Le Memé Team T-Shirt has been making it’s rounds on social media on the twitter feeds and instagram streams of some very #relevant people. Up until this point each team member has been hand picked.
A-Trak proudly wearing one and being the most relevant person in the photo.
Marc McNairy tweeted his reaction to the shirt
Shlohmo wants one badly
and Hudson Mohawke just got one
Le Meme is now bringing the internet experience to the real world by releasing the Team T-shirt for pre-order. Wear your internet adoration on your sleeve and show the world you are as relevant as you think.
Visit URLIRL.com on Thursday March 28 at Noon to Pre-Order the BLACK Le Memé Team T-Shirt for 24 hours. The price is $45 (or a reasonable 0.5059 bitcoins + Shipping & Handling). If you miss it you might miss it forever. Don’t let relevancy slip away from your grasp, buy in case your dreams of being a twitter celebrity never pan out.
With the buzz generated I don’t doubt Le Memé will be #707’ing straight to the bank tomorrow. If you do order one please be sure to report back in the comments on the amount of likes, RTs, sexts and IRL compliments you received.