Enter the Bijulesterie

Jules Kim is the brainchild and sole designer behind Bijules; a New York based jewelery line that has steadily made waves since its inception over eight years ago. Her creations have graced the fingers, hands and necks of stylish individuals the world over including Rihanna and Rooney Mara in “The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo”. Jules’ fierce sense of individualism is reflected not just in her personal style but in every piece she creates.

Jules’ latest venture is the Bijulesterie which is her unmistakable approach to retail. Hidden on the Bowery underneath the multi-label shop EVA; I went down the candle-lit stairs to experience something vastly different than any jewelery shop I had been in before. The space was cozy and intimate but the focal point was definitely the aquarium displayed filled with an assortment of Bijules product. Jules explained to me that her store is by appointment only so that each perspective buyer can be given individual attention and a proper introduction to the Bijules universe.

I found myself learning much about the jewelry making process as Jules walked me through the different Bijules collections ; each of which had it’s own unique character and story. Jules has a deep respect for the heritage of jewelery making but she has never been afraid to put her own twist on the age-old craft. Below are some images of the products she showed to me.

Handlet and phalange cocktail rings 2

Le grimpeur and the handlet

Bijulesterie aquarium display

You can book an appointment at the Bijulesterie HERE.

To learn a hear more from Jules read this interview I did with her on the Six Scents Archives HERE.

Writing and Photography by Rocky Li
