The above video highlights some of the key details of this new batch of FW2012 pieces. As always ACR stays killing it in the accessories and outerwear departments. These pieces continue to show the brand’s commitment to creating items with harmonious utility & aesthetic in mind.
Beinghunted always brings great features this time they have had a conversation with Erolson Hugh (co-owner and designer of Acroymn). I particularly found the below question inspiring.
Before we talk about your new collection, tell us about the development of Acronym as a design studio over the past 2-3 years. You have grown quite a bit?
Two years ago I started working with Johanna, my first assistant in Berlin. Recently, the team has grown to where we can do everything we need to do without ever leaving the building: product, identity, film, strategy, dumplings, cake, interpretive dance… We’re all freelance, and all running additional individual projects, so there’s massive throughput. Lots to do. Lots to absorb. Lots to learn. Michaela in Brooklyn, Turbo in Tokyo, Bagjack, and our factory in CZ, continue to evolve as the other major hubs in the network. Watch this space.
All growth is relative, though. The next smallest company doing comparable work is (last I checked) upwards of 50 times larger than we are. The largest players on the field -some tens of thousands of times (yes, that’s several million percent bigger). Think about what this means. So, in relation to that, we’ve grown from infintessimally small, to still really really freaking small. But this is OK; we know Kung Fu.
Read the entire article at BGHD